CONTACT | PHONE: 02-820-0453 e-mail: |
RESEARCH INTEREST | Biological Physics, Mathematical Biology, Systems Biology, Subcellular dynamics, Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Stochastic Processes |
5 : Philosophy Doctor (High
Energy Physics), Dept. of Physics, Brown University, USA
1991. 5 : Science Master, Dept. of Physics, Brown University, USA 1989.8 : Bachelor, Dept. of Physics, Seoul National University |
2015.3 - PRESENT : Professor, School
of Systems Biomedical Science and Dept. of Bioinformatics
and Life Science, Soongsil University 2009.4 - 2015.2 : Associate Professor, School of Systems Biomedical Science and Dept. of Bioinformatics and Life Science, Soongsil University 2010. 3 - 2011.2 : Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Graduate Group in Biophysics, University of California San Francisco, USA 2003. 3 - 2009. 3 : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Bioinformatics and Life Science, Soongsil University 2003. 2. : Assistant Professor, School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 2001. 7 - 2003. 2 : Research Fellow, School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 2000. 1 - 2001. 6 : Foreign Research Fellow, Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (Univ. of Tokyo) 1998. 1 - 1999. 12 : Research Fellow, School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 1997. 6 - 1997. 12 : Research Fellow, Korean Society for Promotion of Sciences (Hanyang Univ.) 1997. 5 : Visiting Scholar, Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics 1994. 6 - 1997 4 : Research Fellow, Center for Theretical Physics, Seoul National University |
58. "Identifying key drivers in a stochastic dynamical system through
estimation of transfer entropy between univariate and 57. "Poisson distributions in stochastic dynamics of gene expression:
What events do they count? " 56. "Characterization of the common bed bug’s eggshell and egg glue proteins " 55. "Few-body hydrodynamic interactions probed by optical trap pulling experiment " 54. "Development of machine learning models based on molecular
fingerprints for selection of small molecule inhibitors against 53. "In Silico Screening of Quorum Sensing Inhibitor Candidates
Obtained by Chemical Similarity Search " 52. "Use of D-galactose to regulate biofilm growth of oral streptococci " 51. "Hydrodynamic interaction facilitates the unsteady transport of two neighboring vesicles " 50. "Quantitative Analysis of a Transient Dynamics of a Gene
Regulatory Network" 49. "Derivation of Markov processes that violate detailed balance" 48. "Transfer matrix algorithm for computing the exact partition function of a square lattice polymer" 47. "Stability analysis of an autocatalytic protein model" 46. "Microcanonical analysis of a nonequilibrium phase transition" 45. "D-Galactose as an autoinducer 2 inhibitor to control the biofilm
formation of periodontopathogens" 44. "Study on collapse and folding transitions of a lattice protein using exact
enumeration" 43. "Method for identification of rigid domains and hinge residues in proteins based on exhaustive enumeration" 42. "Reply to C. Tsallis’«Conceptual Inadequacy of the Shore and Johnson Axioms for Wide Classes of Complex 41. "Single Molecule Conformational Memory Extraction: P5ab RNA Hairpin 40. "Nonadditive Entropies Yield Probability Distributions with Biases not Warranted by the Data"
39. "Exact Partition Function Zeros of the Wako-Saito-Muñoz-Eaton beta hairpin Model"
38. "Exact Partition Function Zeros of the Wako-Saito-Muñoz-Eaton Protein Model"
37. "Principles of maximum entropy and maximum caliber in statistical physics"
36. "Partition function zeros of a square-lattice homopolymer with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions"
Jae Hwan Lee, Seung-Yeon Kim
and Julian Lee* 35. "Extracting Conformational Memory from Single-Molecule Kinetic Data"
34. "Microcanonical origin of the maximum entropy principle for open systems"
33. "A derivation of the master equation from path entropy maximization"
32. "Exact partition function zeros of a polymer on a simple cubic lattice"
31. "Collapse transition of a square-lattice polymer with next nearest-neighbor interaction "
30 . "The FALC-Loop web server for protein loop modeling"
29. "Refinement of protein termini in template-based modeling using conformational space annealing"
28. "Parallel Algorithm for Calculation of the Exact Partition
Function of a Lattice Polymer"
27. "Protein loop modeling by using fragment assembly
and analytical loop closure"
26. "Exact partition function zeros and the collapse
transition of a two-dimensional lattice polymer"
25. "A
new method for prediction of RNA secondary structure with pseudoknots,
based on helix removal and refinement 24. "Protein Structure Prediction Using the Hybrid Energy
Function, Fragment Assembly
and Double Optimizaiton" 23. "Protein Loop Modeling Using Fragment Assembly
" 22. "Protein Folding Using Fragment Assembly and Physical
Energy Function" 21. "Measures for the assessment of fuzzy predictions
of protein secondary structure", 20. "Double
Optimization for Design of Protein Energy Function", 19. "Fuzzy
k-Nearest Neighbor Method for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
and its Parallel Implementation", 18. "Prediction of protein solvent accessibility using
fuzzy k-nearest neighbor method" 17. "
Protein structure prediction based on fragment assembly and
beta-strand pairing energy function", 16. "Protein structure prediction based on fragment assembly and parameter
optimization" 15. "Folding simulations of small proteins " 14. "
Conformational space annealing and a lattice model protein " 13. "
Prediction of the
secondary structure of proteins using PREDICT, a nearest neighbor
method on pattern space" 12. "Prediction of protein tertiary structure using PROFESY, a novel
method based on fragment assembly and conformational space annealing" 11. "Design of a protein potential energy landscape by parameter optimization" 10. "Folding of small proteins using a single continuous potential" 9.
"Exact partition function zeros of two-dimensional lattice polymers" 8.
"Optimization of potential-energy parameters for folding of several proteins"
"Profile-based nearest neighbor method for pattern recognition" 6.
"Unbiased Global Optimization of Lennard-Jones Clusters for N>=201 Using the Conformational Space
Annealing Method"
"Prediction of protein tertiary structure using PROFESY,
a novel method
based on pattern matching and fragment assembly" 4.
"Prediction of protein secondary structure using PREDICT,
a novel method based on pattern matching" 3.
"Full Optimization of Linear Parameters of a United Residue
Protein Potential" 2.
"Tunneling between the giant gravitons in AdS5 x S5" 1.
"Exact zeros of the partition function for a continuum system with double Gaussian peaks" |